Thinking About an Online MBA Degree Program?
MBA Degree Online
After finishing my undergraduate degree, despite my reservations I began comparing MBA degree programs from typical accredited MBA business schools. To be frank they were just as expected, over-priced degrees which greatly impeded on my lifestyle. That was until a colleague referred me to a couple business schools which offered an online MBA degree program. With a little research I found this to be quite tempting.
Giving consideration to the online MBA program for a few weeks, I found through research that I could bargain with my employer for a promotion by simply working towards my MBA degree. I discovered that an online MBA degree program would cost me only small piece of the cost that normal MBA programs cost. I even learned that online MBA programs could be finished in under a year and a half. Finally tipping the scales in favor of enrolling in an online MBA program was the fact that I could put my current federal student loans in deferment while I was enrolled in online classes. As subsidized federal student loans do not accrue interest while in deferment I felt I'd be foolish not to invest in higher education. After all, the online MBA programs were from accredited institutions; they were just the same.
Ultimately my decision to register for an online MBA degree program was carefully calculated but it wasn't that tough to make. My employer even covered a portion of the tuition expenses. Obviously not all MBA online degree program benefits packages will be as accommodative, but had I not even considered enrolling in an online MBA program I never would have realized what value it had to offer to me.
After I finally enrolled in the online MBA degree program that my friend had recommended I was surprised to find how quick the program progressed. Before I knew it I was done and I had my MBA degree! I didn't have to take time off from my job nor were personal sacrifices made. Obviously some significant time was devoted to course work but I soon found that course work in an online setting can easily conform to your normal routine. I usually didn't even plan time for course work; I just did it when I had a few minutes. Sure I had to cut back on hobbies but that's not too much to overcome.
Are you thinking about registering for an online MBA degree program? If you aren't sure then let me remind you that getting your accredited MBA degree online instead of in a typical classroom setting offers benefits greater than you know. Unless you're goal is to get high powered finance position a premiere institution almost no employer will be bothered that you obtained your MBA degree online; they are all looking to see if you got an MBA degree at all because realistically speaking, few people actually have an MBA. With an online MBA the costs are affordable, the stress on your current lifestyle is manageable, and the benefits are high.
To finish with an observation I'll say that it's surprising how many people do not have MBA degrees. While I was in my MBA degree program I learned that a senior VP at my company was also taking an online degree program. The striking thing however was this. The program was not an MBA degree program; it was a bachelor's degree program. I couldn't believe it and I realized right there just how important an MBA degree is to your career. Getting one can set you apart from the competition like nothing else can. It doesn't even matter where you get it, but for me and I suspect for you, an online MBA degree program is just fine.
About the Author
Brian's blog is full of online MBA program information which is offered freely to readers. Check it out here at Accredited MBA Online.
Topics : MBA Degree Online, Distance Learning MBA Programs, Online Education MBA University. Source:
1 comment:
Very nice.......I'm sure it will help many people.....
earn degree
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